Christopher Walinski, D.D.S.
Director of Laser Dentistry
Associate Professor of Dental Medicine
Touro College of Dental Medicine

Dr. Christopher Walinski is the Director of Laser Dentistry and an Associate Professor of Dental Medicine at TCDM. He joined TCDM in 2018 and previously served as a Clinical Practice Leader at Touro Dental Health, the college's clinical training facility.
As a renowned expert in laser dentistry, Dr. Walinski brings the latest advancements in this innovative field to TCDM’s curriculum. He is also a part of both the preclinical and clinical faculty, instructing students in TCDM’s preclinical simulation laboratory and at Touro Dental Health, the school’s clinical training facility.
Dr. Walinski has been an author, inventor and innovator in Laser Dentistry for over two decades and has authored a text on laser dentistry that has been translated into 10 languages. In addition, he has published numerous peer-reviewed laser and oral-systemic/total patient health articles in journals throughout North America, Australia, Europe and Asia. Dr. Walinski is currently the Executive Director of the World Clinical Laser Institute and is currently developing a Laser Continuing Education Program with the Office of On-Line Education to be marketed internationally. He was previously Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Laser Assisted Dentistry.
Prior to his full-time teaching role at TCDM, Dr. Walinski is a Visiting Professor at Taipei Medical University College of Oral Medicine and the National University of La Plata in Buenos Aires, emphasizing dentistry using lasers and other minimally-invasive techniques. He is licensed in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.
Clinical Specialty
General Dentistry
● B.A., Chemistry/Natural Sciences in-absentia, Case Western Reserve University
● D.D.S., The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, Excellence in Radiology
Recent Publications
Management of TMD Symptoms with Photobiomodulation Therapy
Ammaar H. Abidi, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Alan O. Blanton, D.D.S., M.S.; Christopher J. Walinski, D.D.S.
NY State Dental Journal, Vol 86 No 6, November 2020
Resin Cement Removal from Titanium Dental Implant Surface Using a Novel Side-Firing Laser Fiber and Er,Cr:YSGG Irradiation
Walinski CJ, Ou KL
The American Journal of Dentistry, August 2020;33(4):178-182.
Guidelines for the Biopsy of Oral Mucosal Lesions Using a Laser
Walinski CJ, Ou KL, Liang TM, Schafer DR
Compendium of Continuing Dental Education, June 2020;41(6):313-318.
Management of TMD Symptoms with Photobiomodulation Therapy
Abidi AH, Blanton AO, Walinski CJ
Accepted for publication in The New York State Dental Journa
The Potential of a Nanostructured Titanium Oxide Layer with Self-Assembled Monolayers for Biomedical Applications: Surface Properties and Biomechanical Behaviors
Lan WC, Huang TS, Cho YC, Huang YT, Walinski CJ, Chiang PC, Rusilin M, Pai FT, Huang CC, Huang MS
Applied Sciences 2020, 10(2):590.
Composite removal by means of erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser compared with rotary instruments
Tantbirojn D, Walinski CJ, Ross JA, Taylor CR, Versluis A.
Journal of the American Dental Association 2019 Dec;150(12):1040-1047.
Comparison of laser versus rotary instrumentation
Gregory P, Lea J, Walinski C, Terese-Koch D, Hottel TL, Fields D, Rodriguez C.
Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association 2016 Fall-Winter
Early bone respone to machined, sandblasting acid etching (SLA) and novel surface-functionalization (SLAffinity) titanium implants: characterization, biomechanical analysis and histological evaluation in pigs
Chiang HJ, Hsu HJ, Peng PW, Wu CZ, Ou K, Cheng HY, Walinski CJ, Sugiatno E
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A 2016 Feb;104(2):397-405.
Irritation fibroma removal: A comparison of two laser wavelengths
Walinski, CJ
General Dentistry 52(3):236-8; 2004 May
Lasers in General Practice: Can They Now Exceed Expectations?
Walinski, CJ
Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 2004 March.
Dental lasers: possibilities and benefits
Walinski, CJ
Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society; 2004 Feb
Go To The Light
Walinski, CJ
The Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, 2003 Aug/Sep
Memberships and Affiliations
● New York Dental Association
● American Dental Association
● 9th District Dental Society
● International Association for Dental Research
● World Clinical Laser Institute, Mastership & Executive Director
● World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry, Diplomate & Past President
● American Society for Laser Surgery & Medicine, Fellow
● International Association for Laser Dentistry, Fellow