Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress |
Policy Number: |
Owner/Implementer: Director of Financial Aid |
Version: 4.0 |
Impacted Groups: Undergraduates, Graduates, Professional Students |
Effective Date: 10/6/2016 |
1. Purpose of the Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress ("SAP") ensures students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving and maintaining compliance with minimum academic standards. Federal regulations mandate that all students are required to conform to SAP standards as they work towards a degree in order for them to qualify to receive financial assistance through all Touro University eligible Title IV federal financial aid programs, including New York Medical College ("NYMC") and New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Conformance to Touro’s SAP policy ensures students complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving and maintaining compliance with minimum academic standards.
2. Scope
This SAP policy applies to all Touro Students including Undergraduates, Graduates and Professional students regardless of enrollment status (full time, part time, different programs of study, etc.) as described below. These standards are for Title IV Federal Financial Aid purposes only and neither replace nor override academic policies outlined by Touro, other state or Federal benefit programs (i.e. NYS Tuition Assistance Program) or individual program requirements. However, these standards are intended to be at least as rigorous as Touro University academic policies.
3. The Policy
3.1 Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress
SAP standards (CGPA, Pace, and Maximum Time Frame, hereinafter collectively referred to as Standards) consist of quantitative and qualitative measurements that are determinants of SAP. The qualitative measurement evaluates the quality (i.e. GPA and Academic Standing) of the students’ academic work. The quantitative measurement evaluates the Pace by which students are working toward the completion of their program and the Maximum Time Frame required to complete their program.
3.1.1 GPA and Academic Standing (Qualitative): All students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) as specified in Appendix A found at the end of this policy and be neither dismissed nor suspended from their academic program, as determined by their program’s specific academic standards policy. All students are also required to achieve a CGPA that is consistent with their program requirement for graduation.
3.1.2 Pace (Quantitative): Students must be on target to complete their academic program within the set time frame, which is measured by the Pace at which they complete their required coursework. All students must maintain a minimum Pace as specified in Appendix A found at the end of this policy. To determine if a student is meeting this standard, total cumulative earned credit hours at Touro plus accepted transfer credit hours are divided by the total cumulative attempted credit hours, including accepted transfer credits. A student must successfully complete the designated cumulative minimum percentage of all attempted credit hours at the point of SAP evaluation as determined by the calculation above and illustrated in the table below.
Table 1: Pace Examples:
Cumulative Attempted Credits |
Cumulative |
Pace |
Pace/Completion |
24 credits |
24 credits |
100% |
Yes |
48 credits |
12 credits |
25% |
No |
10 credits |
9 credits |
90% |
Yes |
10 credits |
0 credits |
0% |
No |
*This table is meant to show how the Pace calculation is done and shows the most extreme examples of the Pace calculation. Please refer to the Appendices at the end of this policy to find the requirements by program.
3.1.3 Maximum Time Frame (Quantitative): All students are expected to finish their degree or certificate program within a maximum time frame, no longer than 150% of the published length of their program. For undergraduate students, the maximum Time Frame is measured in credit hours; for graduate and professional students the maximum Time Frame is measured by the actual length of the program as provided in the Appendices.
3.2 Additional Constraint on Financial Aid Eligibility
Students who have completed the academic requirements for a program but do not yet have the certificate or degree are not eligible for federal financial aid funds for that program of study.
3.3. SAP Evaluation
3.3.1 Frequency and Timing: Touro evaluates all students’ academic progress annually with the exception of programs of one-year in length or for students on probation. These programs/students are evaluated each payment period. As grades are posted for the spring semester/term, the Office of Financial Aid will review the academic records of all students who are receiving federal financial aid funds to determine if they are meeting the Standards. This review will be performed for all students who were enrolled at Touro for the previous academic year (i.e. Summer, Fall, Winter and/or Spring). Students who enter in the spring semester/term will be evaluated after the spring semester/term using the Standards for the semester/term that the student is enrolled at Touro plus any accepted transfer credits.
3.3.2 Evaluation: The Office of Financial Aid will perform an annual (or term) review of each student’s progress to ensure that students are meeting each of the Standards. If it is determined that the student is not compliant with any of the Standards, the student becomes ineligible to receive federal financial aid and Financial Aid eligibility will be suspended.
3.4. SAP Notification
A student not meeting the Standards will be notified in writing of their Financial Aid Suspension after all grades have been posted for their program of study. The notification will include an explanation of the Standards evaluated and instructions on how to proceed. Written notification will be sent electronically via their Touro email account and/or mail via the last known mailing address according to the Registrar’s records.
3.4.1 Financial Aid Suspension: Students who do not meet the Standards (as indicated in the Appendices) at the time of the annual evaluation, will be ineligible to receive federal financial aid funds for the subsequent semester (unless they submit an appeal and are placed on financial aid probation).
Financial Aid is suspended for a student who fails to meet the standards of SAP and:
- has not submitted an appeal of their status or has had their appeal rejected by the appropriate review committee;
- fails to regain eligibility by meeting the minimum Standards after a successful appeal and completion of the probationary period; or
- has not fulfilled the requirements set forth in their Academic Plan.
Students with Financial Aid eligibility suspended may either:
- remediate any of the Standards that are non-compliant while not receiving federal or state need-based financial aid, or
- submit an SAP appeal.
If at any time during a non-review period, a student who has been suspended from Financial Aid eligibility has remediated any of the Standards that are non-compliant (e.g., due to a late grade change or completing an incomplete course), that student must contact the Office of Financial Aid to request a review of their academic record and reinstatement of their financial aid eligibility. Do NOT assume that reinstatement is automatic.
Unless academically dismissed, students may be permitted to enroll at Touro while financial aid is suspended. Students denied federal financial aid may continue attending Touro by funding their education themselves. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his or her academic progress and to be aware of their program requirements and SAP standards.
3.4.2 Financial Aid Probation: Financial Aid Probation is a status assigned to any student who fails to meet the Standards and has successfully appealed their Financial Aid Suspension. If placed on Financial Aid Probation, students will be required to follow an approved Academic Plan in order to receive federal financial aid for one semester/term and have their progress be evaluated at the end of the semester/term. Students who meet all Standards or the requirements outlined in their Academic Plan will remain eligible for federal financial aid. Students who fail to meet the Standards or the requirements outlined in their Academic Plan will again be suspended from financial aid eligibility and will be ineligible for federal financial aid going forward. Students may have plans that extend for more than one semester/term but their progress will still be evaluated at the end of each semester/term to ensure that they have complied with their Academic plan.
Only Financial Aid eligible applicants and/recipients will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. Students who have filed an appeal and are approved will be placed on Financial Aid Probation in the next semester which they have applied for federal financial aid, which could include the semester in/for which the appeal is granted.
3.4.3 Discretionary Review of SAP in Non-Annual Review Periods: The Office of Financial Aid or the Registrar may, at its discretion, conduct SAP assessments at any time throughout the academic year. If upon performing the analysis the financial aid or registrar staff identifies that a student may be at risk of failing to meet all Standards, the identified student(s) may be sent a courtesy notification via their Touro email address.
Students who receive a courtesy notification letter will continue to have their federal financial aid processed as normal by the Office of Financial Aid for the term during which the discretionary review was completed and until they fail to meet the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress as determined by the annual review period as described above.
3.5. Appeal Process
Students who become ineligible to receive federal financial aid for failure to meet the Standards and have been notified of the Financial Aid Suspension have the right to make a written appeal to the appropriate Committee on Academic Standing (CAS). Students who appeal must demonstrate all of the following:
- that failure to meet the minimum standard was caused by extreme or unusual circumstances* beyond his or her control (corroborating documentation must be supplied);
- that they have resolved the issue(s) that caused the deficit, and;
- that the issue(s) will not affect their performance in the future.
*Extreme or unusual circumstances are considered unforeseen situations or events beyond the student's control which directly impacted academic performance. Examples include, but are not limited to, death in the family, divorce or illness.
3.5.1 Monitoring the Status of An Appeal: Once an appeal is submitted to the appropriate committee for a decision, that appeal will be heard at that committee’s next meeting. All decisions are final. If a decision has not been made by the time tuition is due, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Financial Aid to discuss the options on how to proceed.
Below is a listing of the potential appeal statuses that could be determined by the CAS:
- In-Progress: Appeal has been received, but not reviewed.
- Tabled: Appeal has been reviewed, but the committee has deferred the appeal until it receive(s) additional information.
- Approved: Appeal has been approved and the student has been placed on Financial Aid Probation.
- Denied: Appeal was not approved based on the information that was provided. The student is no longer eligible to receive federal financial aid.
3.5.2 Limit of appeals: Students may not initiate an appeal using the same extraordinary and extenuating circumstance twice.
3.5.3 Regaining Eligibility for Financial Aid through Self-Correction: Students who are denied federal financial aid on the basis of not meeting the Standards, may regain federal financial aid eligibility by becoming compliant with all of the Standards while studying at their own expense. This is known as self-correction.
It is the students responsibility to notify the Office of Financial Aid when they have self-corrected their SAP-related issue(s). The Office of Financial Aid will then conduct a review to confirm that the student is meeting all Standards at that point in time.
3.5.4 Late Grade Posted or Grade Change: Students whose Financial Aid eligibility has been suspended or those on Financial Aid Probation who have a grade posted late or changed must notify the Office of Financial Aid to have their SAP re-evaluated. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of Financial Aid of these circumstances. There is no automatic process to clear Financial Aid Suspension or Probation. If no notice is provided, the student’s SAP status will remain unchanged and will be re-evaluated during the next annual review.
3.5.5 Program Changes: Students who switch programs while at Touro will be evaluated based only on the Standards for the program for which they are currently active. Students who are not compliant with any Standards prior to switching programs or based on their new program may be required to submit an SAP appeal form before they are eligible to receive any federal financial aid. Failure to submit an appeal may result in the student not being eligible for federal financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to recognize that a program change may result in a Financial Aid Suspension.
3.5.6 Academic Plan: If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and given an Academic Plan.
An Academic Plan is a written agreement between the student and the institution that may extend the student's eligibility for federal financial aid for one or more semesters/terms during a designated probationary period. The Academic Plan specifies requirements (i.e., minimum course completion ratio, CGPA, reduced course load or enrolling in specific courses) that the student must meet and exceed each semester/term to maintain or regain federal financial aid eligibility. A student that does not meet these Standards will again be suspended from Financial Aid eligibility and will be ineligible for federal aid in future semesters/terms until the student can meet the standards.
3.6. Effect of Withdrawals, Tentative Grades, Repetition and Transfer Credits
3.6.1 Withdrawal (W), Unauthorized Withdrawal (WU), Withdrawal Pass (WP) and Withdrawal Never Attended (WNA): Students are given a W (Withdrawal) when they officially withdraw from a course. The course will only appear on the transcript if students withdraw after the end of the add/drop period as per the program’s academic calendar. A W grade is not calculated into the GPA, attempted credits or earned credits, when dropped on or before the add/drop period. After the add/drop period, a W grade is calculated into the attempted credits, but not calculated into GPA or earned credits.
A grade of WU (Unauthorized Withdrawal) is assigned to students that stop attending before the end of 60% of scheduled classes for the semester. The WU grade is calculated in the GPA as a failing grade, and is included in the attempted credits and earned credits.
The grade of WNA (Withdrew Never Attended) is assigned if students have never attended class. This grade is not calculated into the GPA, attempted credits or earned credits.
Withdrawn courses recorded on the student’s permanent academic transcript are included in the Pace and maximum Time Frame calculations as attempted but not satisfactorily completed credits. Please see each school’s Bulletin or Student Handbook for detailed information as it pertains to each type of withdrawal (i.e., W, WU and WNA)
3.6.2 Incompletes (INC)/Missing Grades: Courses that are assigned an incomplete grade or if a grade is missing, will be included in the attempted credits but not earned credit hours for Pace and maximum Time Frame measures. They are entered as attempted but not satisfactorily completed credits and are not included in the CGPA. Students’ status may change once a final grade is recorded. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Financial Aid office when a grade has been entered as final.
For purposes of determining whether a student would be eligible for Federal Student Aid despite an Incomplete or Missing grade, the Financial Aid department may look to use a failing grade (F or U) in place of the Incomplete or missing grade. If the student passes the SAP standards with the substituted failing grade included in the calculation, the student would be eligible for aid even though there is an Incomplete or Missing Grade still on the student’s record. If the student fails the SAP standards with the substituted failing grade included in the calculation, the student will not be eligible until the Incomplete or missing grade changes to a final grade AND the student meets the SAP standards.
3.6.3 Tentative (Incompletes) (T): FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY as this grade is no longer available. Courses that were assigned a tentative grade were included in the attempted and earned credit hours for Pace and maximum Time Frame and were included in the CGPA. Only tentative grades of TC- to TF were assigned. Students’ SAP status was changed once a final grade was recorded. It was the responsibility of students to notify the Financial Aid office when a grade had been entered as final. If a TC- or TF grade was not resolved six (6) weeks from the date that the grade was submitted by the professor the T was dropped and the grade become final. This potentially resulted in Financial Aid suspension and students had to submit an appeal to regain financial aid eligibility.
3.6.4 Pass/Fail (Pass/No Credit at the Law Center): All credits for Pass /Fail/ Pass-No Credit course attempts will be counted as attempted credits. Only P grades will count as satisfactorily completed credit hours in the quantitative measures. However, under no circumstances can students full time course load in a given semester/term consist only of P/F courses. Passing grades include P (Pass), H (Pass with Honors) or P/NC (Pass/No Credit).
3.6.5 Repetitions: For purposes of financial aid, students may be permitted to retake courses in which the student received a failing grade or its equivalent (i.e. where a grade of B- or below is considered non-passing), which is dependent on the academic requirements of the program in which the student is enrolled. Each time a course is attempted, it is considered an attempt when calculating the Pace of completion and maximum Time Frame measures, regardless of whether the course is subsequently repeated for a better grade.
Students are only allowed to receive federal financial aid for one repeat of a course (for the first time only) a previously passed course in a term-based program, including when the student is retaking a passed class due to failing other associated coursework. Any grade that is higher than an “F”, or its programmatic equivalent, is considered passing for this purpose regardless of the school or program policy/requirements. If after that one allowable repeat, a satisfactory grade is not achieved, the student may not be eligible to receive federal financial aid for additional repeats of the same course.
The FSA program regulations make no provision for the concept of academic amnesty or academic renewal. Therefore, the school must always include courses applicable to a student’s major (whenever taken) in evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress (both quantitative and qualitative components). To clarify, courses taken at any point towards the student’s major/degree will always be utilized for SAP evaluation purposes, regardless of whether the school or program has separate academic policies that allow for academic amnesty. In this regard, grades in courses that were previously taken may remain and be reflected on the student’s transcript.
3.6.6 Transfer Credits: For purposes of financial aid, only transfer credit hours officially accepted for the student’s program of study will be automatically counted in the attempted and successfully completed credit hours toward the quantitative (Pace of completion) and maximum Time Frame. Various programs of Touro may have different standards and requirements regarding acceptability of transfer credits and calculations will be based on the program in which the student is enrolled.
3.6.7 Remedial Courses: Remedial courses do not count toward a student’s degree requirements; however, they are counted toward establishing full time status at Touro. Remedial courses are not calculated in the quantitative measure to determine pace of completion and not calculated in the maximum Time Frame and CGPA evaluations. Touro calculates a separate standard of good academic standing for students taking remedial courses; please refer to the Remedial Students Academic Standing Chart in Appendix A.
In addition students are allowed to repeat and obtain financial aid for each remedial course only once. Students who fail the same course or level twice are not making SAP and may be placed on financial aid suspension. A student who withdraws after five weeks of the semester/term will be considered to be repeating the course upon his/her next attempt of the course. Students who withdraw twice from any such course are not considered to be making satisfactory progress and may be dismissed from Touro. The CAS may grant a waiver to allow a student to repeat a remedial course for one additional semester/term depending upon the circumstances.
3.7. Satisfactory Academic Progress Definitions
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): Federal requirement that mandates that institutions monitor a student’s academic progress for the purpose of determining financial aid eligibility. To be in good SAP standing, the student must meet all SAP Standards.
SAP Standards: Refers to the standards that students must meet in order to maintain their financial aid eligibility. This includes maintaining compliance with cumulative GPA, Pace, and maximum time frame requirements.
Cumulative GPA Requirement: The Cumulative GPA requirement (CGPA) is the cumulative grade point average that a student must achieve at each SAP evaluation. If a student is enrolled in a program that is more than two academic years, the student must have a CGPA of at least a "C" or its equivalent, or have academic standing consistent with the institution’s requirement for graduation. Please refer to Appendix A for requirements by program.
Pace Requirement: The Pace requirement is the Pace at which a student must progress through their program calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credit hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of credit hours the student has attempted. Please refer to Appendix A for requirements by program.
Maximum Time Frame Requirement: For an undergraduate program measured in credit hours, a period no longer than 150% of the published total credit hours required to graduate. For a graduate program, no more than 150% of the published length of the program. Please refer to Appendix A for requirements by program.
Financial Aid Suspension: Financial Aid Suspension refers to a student who fails to meet the SAP standards. These students are ineligible for federal financial aid.
Financial Aid Probation:
Financial Aid Probation is a status assigned to any student who fails to meet the Standards and has successfully appealed their Financial Aid Suspension. If placed on Financial Aid Probation, students will be required to follow an approved Academic Plan in order to receive federal financial aid for one semester/term.
Financial Aid Courtesy Notification: After a discretionary review in a non-review period, a Financial Aid Courtesy Notification may be sent to students if it has been determined that they are at risk of not making SAP at the SAP evaluation. The student’s federal financial aid will not be affected at this point.
Appeal: A student submits an appeal after notification of Financial Aid Suspension to petition the institution (through the appropriate Committee on Academic Standing) for reconsideration for reconsideration of their eligibility for federal financial aid when they are not meeting SAP standards. An appeal must explain why the student failed to make SAP and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to make SAP in the future.
Academic Plan: An Academic Plan is a written agreement between the student and the institution that may extend the student's eligibility for federal financial aid for one semester/term during a designated probationary period.
This Policy will be reviewed periodically and will be updated, as necessary. All changes to this policy will be updated on the Touro Website where the policy can normally be found. No notice is necessary when making changes to this policy and you are responsible for keeping current on any changes to this or any other Touro policy and acting accordingly.
Appendix # |
Page # |
Program |
Appendix A-1 |
12 |
Touro University Undergraduate Programs |
Appendix A-2 |
13 |
Touro University Graduate Programs |
Appendix A-3 |
16 |
Touro University Professional Programs |
Appendix A-4 |
17 |
Touro University California Programs |
Appendix A-5 |
18 |
Touro University Nevada Programs |
Appendix A-6 |
19 |
Touro University Worldwide Programs |
Appendix A-7 |
20 |
New York Medical College Programs |
Appendix A-8 |
New York College of Podiatric Medicine |
Appendix A-1
Touro University Undergraduate SAP Requirements
Total Credit Hours Attempted |
1 – 15 |
1.50 |
40% |
16 – 30 |
1.75 |
50% |
31 – 45 |
1.80 |
55% |
46 + |
2.00 |
66.6667% |
Total Credit Hours Attempted |
0-9 |
1.00 |
40% |
10-24 |
1.25 |
50% |
25-35 |
1.50 |
60% |
36 or above |
2.0 |
66.6667% |
Total Credit Hours |
1 - 15 |
1.50 |
55% |
16 + |
2.00 |
66.6667% |
Appendix A-2
Touro University Graduate SAP Requirements
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Education & Special Education – early childhood |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Education & Special Education - childhood |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Education & Special Education – middle childhood |
42 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Mathematics Education – Professional Certification |
30 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Mathematics Education – Initial Certification |
39 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Jewish Childhood Education & Special Education Grades 1-6 |
45 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in School Leadership – School Building Leader (Manhattan & online) |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in School Leadership – Building and District Leader (Manhattan & online) |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Teaching Literacy |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in School Counseling |
60 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Adolescent SpEd (7-12) Trans-B |
39 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Early Childhood Education/Special Education Trans-B (Birth-Grade 2) |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
MS in Adolescent Special Education (7-12) Autism Concentration Trans-B |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Special Education and Speech & Language Disabilities |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advance Certificate in Bilingual Pupil Personnel Services |
12 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advanced Certificate in Bilingual General Education (VBG) |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advanced Certificate in TESOL |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advanced Certificate in Gifted & Talented Education |
12-15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Education |
Advanced Certificate in Teaching Children with Autism & Other Severe & Multiple Disabilities |
12 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Social Work |
MSW (Manhattan & Brooklyn) |
65 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
42 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
MS in Human Resource Management |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
MS in International Business Finance |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
MS in Accounting |
30 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
Advanced Certificate in Not-Profit Management |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.667% |
Graduate School of Business |
Advanced Certificate in Real Estate Management |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Business |
Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Management |
15 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Information Systems |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MA in Web & Multi-Media Design |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Instructional Technology |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Cybersecurity and Network Administration |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Data Analytics |
30 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Educational Tech |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Business Intelligence and Database Systems |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in Technology Leadership / Project Management |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Technology |
MS in UX-UI Interactive Design |
33 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Jewish Studies |
MA in Jewish Studies – thesis track |
30 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Jewish Studies |
MA in Jewish Studies – non-thesis track |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Graduate School of Jewish Studies |
PhD in Jewish Studies |
36 credits |
3.5 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy program |
122.5 credits total 39.5 credits BS |
2.67 for graduate (2.0 for undergraduate) |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
Post-Professional DPT program |
30 credits |
2.67 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
BS/MS in Occupational Therapy program |
95 credits total 70 credits BS |
3.0 for graduate |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
BS/MS in Physician Assistant Studies program (Long Island) |
123 credits total 43 credits BS |
2.667 (2.0 for undergraduate) |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
BS/MS in Physician Assistant Studies program (Nassau University Medical Center) |
127 credits total 41 credits BS |
2.667 (2.0 for undergraduate) |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
BS/MS in Physician Assistant Studies program (Manhattan) |
127 credits total |
2.667 (2.0 for undergraduate) |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Physician Assistant Studies program (Middletown) |
123 credits |
2.667 |
66.667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Physician Assistant Studies Online |
30 credits |
3.0 |
66.667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Speech-Language Pathology program |
58-60 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Applied Behavioral Analysis |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
36 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling |
60 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
Doctor of Nursing Practice program |
BS to DNP MSN to DNP |
2.75 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
PsyD in Clinical Psychology NY Doctoral Professional |
114 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
School of Health Sciences |
Advanced Certificate in Behavioral Analysis |
27 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine |
MS in Pathologists Assistance |
106 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine |
MS in Interdisciplinary Studies and Biological and Physical Sciences |
42 credits |
3.0 |
66.6667% |
Appendix A-3
Touro University Professional School SAP Requirements
Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center |
Juris Doctor |
88 |
2.0 (As of the 23-24 Academic Year) or compliance with academic standards for eligibility to continue |
66.6667% |
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine |
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
228 |
2.0 |
66.6667% (As of the 23-24. Academic Year) |
Touro College of Pharmacy |
Doctor of Pharmacy |
147- 2017 Grad 156- 2018 Grad 160- 2019 Grad 162- 2020 Grad |
2.0- 2017 Grad
2.0- 2018 Grad
2.0- 2019 Grad
2.3- 2020 Grad |
66.6667% |
Touro College of Dental Medicine |
Doctor of Dental Science |
202 |
2.0 |
80% |
Appendix A-4
Touro University California SAP Requirements
Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine |
Doctorate (Began prior to Fall 2019) |
218.5 |
2.0 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine |
Doctorate (Began in Fall 2019 or later) | 218.5 |
218.5 |
66.6667% |
Touro University California College of Pharmacy |
Doctorate |
155 159.5 eff.20-21 |
2.00 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California Graduate School of Education |
Graduate School of Education |
36 or 30 |
3.00 (80%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California |
Joint Physician Assistant/Masters of Public Health |
142.5 |
2.00 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California |
Masters of Public Health |
42 30 for Dual Students |
2.00 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California |
Masters Medical Health Science (Medical Science) |
30 |
2.00 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California |
Masters of Health Science(Pharmacy Study) |
30 |
2.00 (70%) |
66.6667% |
Touro University California |
Master of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses (ADN to MSN) |
46 |
3.0 |
66.667% |
Touro University California |
Master of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses (BSN to MSN) |
46 |
3.0 |
66.667% |
Touro University California |
Doctor of Nursing Practice/Family Nurse Practitioner Program |
52 |
3.0 |
66.667% |
TUC Specific Guidelines:
- TUC College of Osteopathic Medicine – DO Program (COM-DO) Qualitative Standards Statement
The COM-DO does not measure academic progress by means of a cumulative grade point average. Students are required to complete required courses with a "P" passing grade (or the equivalent) or better. Therefore, grade performance as a measure of satisfactory academic progress must be reviewed annually in the context of each course for which a student is registered.- In order to determine SAP for federal student aid purposes, each course will be assigned a value of 1. To meet satisfactory academic progress, a student must maintain a value of .80 at the end of the academic year. To determine this, we will divide the number of passed courses by the number of attempted courses.
- For example, if a student attempts 8 courses, they have a total point value of 8. If the student passes all eight courses, we divide 8/8 and get 1. If the student fails two courses, we divide 6/8 and get 0.75; the student is placed on FA Suspension, with a chance to appeal and be placed on FA Probation.
- Specific grades’ impact on Pace:
- Incomplete (INC) grades count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- W, WU, IP, and WA grades count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- For TUC COM-DO, a P, H, HH, and CR grade counts as attempted and earned.
- For TUC COM-DO, a NC and NP grade counts as attempted but not earned.
- Repeat of Individual Course or Clerkship:
- Per Touro SAP policy, courses retaken due to a failing grade or its equivalent (e.g. if a grade of B- or below is considered non-passing for a certain program/course) are counted as attempted each time they are taken. Once the course is repeated and passed, the initial failing grade is excluded from consideration in the qualitative measure of SAP.
- Repeat of Entire Year:
- Students who failed a course(s) and are required to repeat either an entire year of coursework or a partial curriculum of at least half-time status, which may include successfully completed courses, will be eligible for federal loans for the repeat of the required academic year. Funding will be provided only once for the repeat of the same academic year.
- No Blended Grading
- Students understand that their academic record cannot have a record that includes both letter grades and pass/fail grades. With that said, any student who begins prior to Fall 2019 would only be able to received letter grades in their courses regardless of when the course has been taken.
Appendix A-5
Touro University Nevada SAP Requirements
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Doctor of Education |
60 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Doctor of Nursing Practice |
33 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Doctor of Occupational Therapy |
114 |
3.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
Y1 - 182 |
2.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Doctor of Physical Therapy |
120 |
3.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Physician Assistant Studies |
128 |
2.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Science in Camp Administration and Leadership |
33 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Education – Special Education |
42 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Education – School Administration |
36 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction w/ emphasis in School Counseling |
36 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction w/ emphasis in Humanities |
36 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Science in Medical Health Sciences |
31 |
2.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Practitioner |
53 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada |
Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Educator |
38 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada | Master of Science in Occupational Therapy |
79 |
3.00 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada | Post Master of Science in Nursing Certificate - Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) |
38 |
3.15 |
66.667% |
Touro Univesity Nevada | Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) | 36
3.00 |
66.667% |
TUN Specific Guidelines:
- TUN College of Osteopathic Medicine – DO Program (COM-DO) Qualitative Standards Statement
The COM-DO does not measure academic progress by means of a cumulative grade point average. Students are required to complete required courses with a "P" passing grade (or the equivalent) or better. Therefore, grade performance as a measure of satisfactory academic progress must be reviewed annually in the context of each course for which a student is registered.- In order to determine SAP for federal student aid purposes, each course will be assigned a value of 1. To meet satisfactory academic progress, a student must maintain a value of .80 at the end of the academic year. To determine this, we will divide the number of passed courses by the number of attempted courses.
- For example, if a student attempts 8 courses, they have a total point value of 8. If the student passes all eight courses, we divide 8/8 and get 1. If the student fails two courses, we divide6/8 and get 0.75; the student is placed on FA Suspension, with a chance to appeal and be placed on FA Probation.
The COM-DO Student Promotion Committee will review all students for Satisfactory Academic Progress and designate a remediation plan where appropriate. During these remediation periods, a student will continue to receive financial aid, pending his/ her successful completion and engagement in the remediation plan designated by the SPC or appropriate promotions subcommittee. The remediation plan should enable the student to still complete the degree within the 6 year maximum time to degree (excluding any academically-approved leaves of absence).
- Specific grades’ impact on Pace:
- Incomplete (INC) grades count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- W, WU, IP, and WA grades count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- For TUC COM-DO, a P, H, HH, and CR grade counts as attempted and earned.
- For TUC COM-DO, a NC and NP grade counts as attempted but not earned.
- Repeat of Individual Course or Clerkship:
- Per Touro SAP policy, courses retaken due to a failing grade or its equivalent (e.g. if a grade of B- or below is considered non-passing for a certain program/course) are counted as attempted each time they are taken. Once the course is repeated and passed, the initial failing grade is excluded from consideration in the qualitative measure of SAP.
- Repeat of Entire Year:
- Students who failed a course(s) and are required to repeat either an entire year of coursework or a partial curriculum of at least half-time status, which may include successfully completed courses, will be eligible for federal loans for the repeat of the required academic year. Funding will be provided only once for the repeat of the same academic year.
- No Blended Grading
- Students understand that their academic record cannot have a record that includes both letter grades and pass/fail grades. With that said, any student who begins prior to Fall 2020 would only be able to receive letter grades in their courses regardless of when the course has been taken.
Appendix A-6
Touro University Worldwide SAP Requirements
Bachelor Degree |
120 |
2.00 |
66.667% |
Master’s Degree |
36* |
3.00 |
66.667% |
Doctorate |
66 |
3.20 |
66.667% |
* MA in Marriage and Family Therapy program requires a total of 60 credits.
Appendix A-7
New York Medical College
School of Medicine |
MD Program |
299 |
see Qualitative standards statement |
67% |
School of Medicine / School of Health Sciences & Practice |
Dual Degree: MD/MPH- MD portion |
299 |
see MD |
67% |
Dual Degree: MD/MPH- MPH portion |
46 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Medicine / Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
Dual Degree: MD/PHD- MD portion |
299 |
see MD |
67% |
Dual Degree: MD/PHD- PHD portion |
15-22 |
see PhD |
67% |
School of Medicine |
MS in Ethics |
36 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
MPH – (Regular or Accelerated) |
46 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
MS in Biostats |
36 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
DrPH |
54 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
MS in Speech-Language-Pathology |
75 |
3.0 |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
120 |
2.67 (yrs 1 & 2) |
67% |
School of Health Sciences and Practice |
Dual Degree: DPT/MPH- DPT portion |
120 |
see DPT |
67% |
Dual Degree: DPT/MPH- MPH portion |
40 |
2.8 |
67% |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
MS - Regular |
30 |
2.8 |
67% |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
MS - Professional |
36 |
2.8 |
67% |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
MS - Accelerated |
32 |
2.8 |
67% |
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
PhD |
37-47 |
2.8 |
67% |
School of Medicine / Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
Dual Degree: MD/PHD- MD portion |
299 |
see MD |
67% |
Dual Degree: MD/PHD- PHD portion |
15-22 |
2.8 |
67% |
NYMC Specific Guidelines:
- NYMC School of Medicine Qualitative Standards Statement
The School of Medicine does not measure academic progress by means of a cumulative grade point average. Students are required to complete required courses with a "P" passing grade (or the equivalent) or better. Therefore, grade performance as a measure of satisfactory academic progress must be reviewed annually in the context of each course for which a student is registered.
- In order to determine SAP for federal student aid purposes, each course will be assigned a value of 1. To meet satisfactory academic progress, a student must maintain a value of 1 at the end of the academic year. To determine this, we will divide the number of passed courses by the number of attempted courses.
- For example, if a student attempts 8 courses, they have a total point value of 8. If the student passes all eight courses, we divide 8/8 and get 1. If the student fails one course, we divide 7/8 and get .87; the student is placed on FA Suspension, with a chance to appeal and be placed on FA Probation.
The School of Medicine’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Review Committee (SAPRC) will review all students for Satisfactory Academic Progress and designate a remediation plan where appropriate. During these remediation periods, a student will continue to receive financial aid, pending his/ her successful completion and engagement in the remediation plan designated by the SAPRC or appropriate promotions subcommittee. The remediation plan should enable the student to still complete the degree within the 6 year maximum time to degree (excluding any academically-approved leaves of absence).
- Specific grades’ impact on Pace:
- Incomplete grades (including CP at med school) count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- W and WF grades count in attempted but not earned (count against a student's Pace / Completion %)
- For NYMC School of Medicine, a CR grade counts as attempted and earned; an NC grade counts as attempted but not earned.
- For NYMC graduate schools, a P grade counts as attempted and earned; an F grade counts as attempted but not earned.
- Repeat of Individual Course or Clerkship:
- Per Touro SAP policy, courses retaken due to a failing grade or its equivalent (e.g. if a grade of B- or below is considered non-passing for a certain program/course) are counted as attempted each time they are taken. Once the course is repeated and passed, the initial failing grade is excluded from consideration in the qualitative measure of SAP.
- Repeat of Entire Year:
- Students who failed a course(s) and are required to repeat either an entire year of coursework or a partial curriculum of at least half-time status, which may include successfully completed courses, will be eligible for federal loans for the repeat of the required academic year. Funding will be provided only once for the repeat of the same academic year.
Appendix A-8
New York College of Podiatric Medicine
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | 200.9 | 2.0 | 67% |