How to Fix Crooked Teeth

This Common Dental Problem Isn’t Always Just a Cosmetic Issue

February 27, 2025
lower half of a child\'s face

Crooked teeth are a common dental issue that can affect both children and adults alike. Generally speaking, most people see crooked teeth as a cosmetic issue, but that’s only part of the picture. Oftentimes, issues like misshapen or crowded teeth, or a misaligned bite, can actually lead to other issues such as increased cavities and problems eating.

Let’s explore some of the causes and types of crooked teeth, when it’s important to see an orthodontist, and the best ways to fix crooked teeth for a happier and healthier smile.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

What Causes Crooked Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth may come in crooked for a variety of reasons, including genetic makeup, teeth being too small to properly fit in their allotted gum space, as well as habits like thumb sucking. Poor nutrition may also become a factor in a child’s dental development.

What Causes Crooked Adult Teeth?

Your baby teeth coming in crooked can also have an effect on how your adult teeth will eventually turn out. However, this doesn’t mean someone with crooked baby teeth will always have the same issues with their adult teeth. Genetics and jaw shape play the biggest role in determining what your smile will look like and how adult teeth will fit in your mouth. In addition, problems like gum disease or facial injuries can also affect your smile as an adult.

How Jaw Size and Alignment Affect Your Smile

Interestingly, some modern day dental problems stem from humanity’s ancient past. Early humans used to eat harder, coarser foods that required a bigger jaw shape. Today, our diet consists of softer foods, and the human jaw shape has shrunk over time. For many scientists, this rapid evolution in our jaw shape is likely a major factor in why some people end up with crowded or misshapen teeth.

Many people also often have a misaligned jaw. This means that your upper and lower teeth don’t properly align. The terms “overbite” and “underbite” refer to common jaw misalignments.

When is it Necessary to Fix Crooked Teeth?

Having a minor problem with crooked teeth doesn’t always mean it’s time to visit the orthodontist. Minor differences in teeth position can give your smile a unique look, and in some cultures slightly crooked teeth are a sign of beauty. That said, if you feel like the state of your teeth is affecting your self-esteem, it might be time to pay the orthodontist a visit. And if you have severely misshapen teeth or problems with misalignment, an orthodontist’s visit is even more important. In these cases, fixing your teeth is the best option for your oral health.

It’s often easier to address challenges with crooked teeth early on during a child’s development. If your child’s dentist recommends an orthodontist, it’s important to schedule these appointments early for the best outcome for their oral health. While jaw misalignment and other problems can be addressed as an adult, consulting with an orthodontist during a child’s tween or teenage years can result in less invasive and more successful treatment.

What Problems Come from Crooked Teeth?

While misshapen teeth aren’t always a major concern and can simply be a cosmetic issue, crooked teeth can sometimes lead to other health problems. Here are a few of the main health concerns associated with crooked teeth:

  • Problems Chewing - A misaligned bite, such as a severe overbite or underbite, can make it challenging to chew food properly.
  • Increased Risk of Cavities - If crooked teeth are making it harder for you to clean your teeth effectively and floss properly, this can lead to increased plaque buildup and contribute to cavity formation.
  • Increased Gum Disease Risk - Your gums can also be affected by misshapen teeth. Harmful bacteria grow when teeth aren’t properly cleaned, and crooked teeth can be a contributing factor to gum diseases like gingivitis. And in advanced stages of gum disease, the loss of gum tissue can even lead to teeth loosening, further worsening the problem.
  • Speech Problems - Misaligned teeth can even cause problems with speech, especially for children. Lisps, whistling and slurring are all speech issues that can be caused by misalignment.
  • Wear and Tear - Crowded teeth can lead to enamel being worn down and misshapen teeth can even increase the likelihood of teeth becoming cracked or chipped.

It’s important to have your teeth and jaw assessed by an orthodontist. This way, you’ll have a better understanding of how critical you or your child’s oral health challenges are and whether there’s an urgent problem to address.

Different Types of Orthodontic Treatments

Your dentist may be the first to notice problems with you or your child’s teeth and recommend a visit to the orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dental specialist who specifically treats and corrects crooked or misshapen teeth, as well as problems with teeth and jaw alignment. In severe cases of jaw misalignment, orthodontists may also work with oral surgeons to adjust the jaw bones.

Here are the most common orthodontic treatments your orthodontist might propose:

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most common orthodontic appliances, especially for children and teenagers. Braces use a system of wire and metal brackets to pull teeth in the desired direction, slowly improving jaw misalignment and your smile. These types of braces are also used for more complex treatments, and are generally the most effective way to achieve the best results for a perfect smile.

Invisible Braces (Invisalign)

Invisalign aligners have become more common in recent years. The most important benefit of wearing Invisalign is cosmetic, as your appliance will be a lot less noticeable. This type of treatment is especially popular with adults and older teens, who may feel more self-conscious wearing traditional braces.


For most orthodontic treatments, patients are also required to wear retainers after braces are removed. Retainers are worn temporarily to ensure teeth stay aligned. Removable retainers can be taken out for eating and brushing, while a fixed metal retainer is fixed to the back of your teeth for a certain amount of time.

How to Find the Best Orthodontic Practice

If you decide to pursue orthodontic treatment for you or your child, it’s important to find a practice that fits you and your family’s needs. A number of different factors can influence which orthodontic practice you choose. For example, cost, treatment options, reputation and even the office atmosphere can all be deciding factors.

In Westchester, NY, Touro Dental Health offers comprehensive orthodontic treatment for the whole family. Our graduate orthodontic students work under the direct supervision of our board-certified orthodontic faculty, so you’ll get great orthodontic care at an affordable price. Stop by for a visit to our beautiful new orthodontic care facility in Hawthorne today and learn more about the best treatment option for your specific orthodontic needs.

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Howard A. Fine, Director of Orthodontics and Clinical Associate Professor of Dental Medicine at Touro College of Dental Medicine.