General Information
Founded in 2016, our state-of-the-art simulation laboratory and 115-chair clinical training facility are the perfect setting to immerse yourself in the latest technological advances in the field. TCDM provides a variety of learning opportunities including in person and live-virtual lectures. We also offer hands-on courses involving clinical simulation and surgical/clinical participation — all led by our world-class faculty.
Course Credit

Full attendance and course completion is required to obtain CE credit. Participants receive a statement of attendance at the end of each course upon completion and return of the course feedback survey.
TCDM is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider 5/1/24 - 6/30/28. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at ADA.org/CERP.
TCDM does not send CE credit information to state boards or licensing/regulatory agencies. Meeting attendees are responsible for ensuring that their CE credits are current and on file. Please contact your local licensing authority for CE credit hour guidelines and regulations.
Enrollment Policy
Upon registering in any Continuing Education activity, the participant agrees that Touro College of Dental Medicine and their affiliates, and all personnel associated with the program, are not responsible or liable for any injuries or other damages sustained by the attendee in connection with the scheduled activity, and the participant hereby releases each of them from any claims against them arising directly or indirectly from any such injury or damage.
The registered participant grants permission to the TCDM Office of Continuing Education to utilize the participant’s image, likeness, actions and/or statements in any live or recorded audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of, about or at the activity without further authorization or compensation. Participants may not use video or audio recording devices during the course or scheduled event.
Registering for any TCDM Continuing Education activity constitutes acceptance of these terms.
Sponsorship Policy
Sponsorship of a Continuing Education course by the Touro College of Dental Medicine does not imply subject matter, philosophy, product, or technique endorsement.
Cancellations and Refunds
Cancellations for CE courses must be received in writing (by email: dentalCE@touro.edu) at least 14 days prior to the start of the course to be eligible for a refund. TCDM will retain a $25 processing fee when a refund is issued for courses less than $249 and a fee of $50 for courses that are $250 or more.
TCDM will grant a full refund (or pro-rated refund for multi-day courses) if a course must be canceled due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. The School will contact all registrants at the time of cancellation. TCDM cannot assume responsibility for reimbursement of participants’ travel arrangements due to cancellations or for losses due to emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances. Course fees for no-shows will be forfeited.
Tax Deduction
The IRS allows an income tax deduction for Continuing Education course expenses when course content is designed to maintain or improve skills required for an individual’s business. Deductible expenses may include registration fees, cost of travel, meals, and lodging. Please consult your tax professional/accountant for specific information.
Americans with Disabilities Policy
Touro College of Dental Medicine recognizes the need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please indicate any special requests or needs you may have on the registration form so that a member of the CE Team may contact you.
Dietary Restrictions
TCDM adheres to Touro Policy and follows Glatt Kosher dietary laws. This kosher food service policy extends to all food and beverages served during Continuing Education courses, as well as food operations and vending machine products in our facilities. All courses including breakfast and lunch will follow these dietary restrictions.
Dress Code
Attendees are encouraged to wear business casual attire, and for weekend sessions may prefer casual wear. Please dress in layers as the classroom temperatures may fluctuate during winter and summer.